Macedonian Parliament Preparing Declaration for Support of Macedonians in Bulgaria

Source: MIC

The Macedonian Parliament is preparing to adopt a declaration on the rights of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, at the initiative of DOM parliamentarian Liljana Popovska. Even though the opposition criticized the Government for not reacting to this problem on time, this document will most probably receive broad political support in the Assembly, Utrinski Vesnik reports. A few VMRO-DPMNE parliamentarians, including Vlatko Gjorcev, Petar Pop Arsov, Goce Markovski, and Vele Georgievski, sent letters to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Council of Europe, and other European institutions, expressing support for the registration of OMO Ilinden PIRIN in Bulgaria.

The Macedonian parliamentarians’ reaction follows the media’s fierce criticism of the conduct of the Bulgarian authorities and police, who are practically intimidating the members of OMO Ilinden PIRIN by visiting them in their homes, the daily writes.

In the statement for the media, Popovska stressed that this declaration would have meaning only if the Assembly adopts it with a large majority. “This way we will show that we, as a state, are committed to respect for the elevated principles of human rights for all minority communities throughout the Balkans,” Popovska said.

Democratic Alliance leader and parliamentarian Pavle Trajanov protested at yesterday’s assembly session against official Bulgaria’s undemocratic act. He called on “the European Union and European Commission to activate their mechanisms and force Bulgaria, as their future member, to observe the democratic and European principles.”

SDSM member Esad Rahik described the Bulgarian authorities’ move as a big disgrace for a state. “I think that the spirit of Todor Zhivkov rides in Bulgaria once again. I call on all intellectuals and democrats to raise their voice against the police’s fascist conduct toward the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria,” Rahik said.

Andrej Zernovski, coordinator of the LDP parliamentary group, believes that Popovska’s initiative is a response to the Government’s inappropriate reaction to this problem.

BDI parliamentarian Xhevad Ademi said that he would support Popovska’s declaration. “I do not understand the Bulgarian authorities’ position. I do not see any reason why the Macedonians in Bulgaria should not enjoy all the rights and why they should not be allowed to organize politically,” Ademi said.


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Previous Macedonian Parliament Preparing Declaration for Support of Macedonians in Bulgaria


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